Thursday, February 3, 2011

Day 7: Favorite Memory

This was an easy one...Brooklynn's birth.  By no means was it easy but by all means was it worth it!

I won't go into a lot of detail but the shortened version goes something like this.  I BEGGED my dr. for an induction because by 38 weeks I was incredibly uncomfortable (now I know all women are by 38 weeks:).  He agreed so Jesse and I headed into the hospital at 6:30 am on a Monday morning.  The Pitocin was started at 7:00 am to start onset of the labor.

Excited to be done being pregnant but a little worried about what was yet to come!

 I was able to visit w/ family and friends until about noon at which point I started getting much more uncomfortable so my friend the anthestiologist was brought in for the epidural.  Round 1 of me against the drugs began.  Come to find out I have a very high tolerance for numbing agents so the poor anthestiologist had to give me 3 shots to numb the area, important point...he'd never before given anyone 3 doses before it took effect.  I was finally numb and able to get the epidural.

Feeling pretty miserable and gripping that hand rail for all it was worth (notice however I was still able to put on a smile for the camera).
By 5:30 pm it was time to begin the fun task of actually delivering our beautiful baby and Round 2 of me against the drugs.  For some unknown reason the nurse decided to turn off the Pitocin, which was moving this labor and delivery thing along, without first checking with my doc.  Big mistake.  Once the Pitocin was stopped so were the contractions which meant poor little Brooklynn wasn't goin' anywhere!  After 2 hours of  unsuccessful labor the doc came in to find out what the hold up was.  He quickly figured out that the medication had been stopped and boy was he upset, as was I!!  The medicine was started again, thank the Lord, and we were back on track.
Brooklynn Autumn Beaudette was born at 9:16 pm on Monday November 5, 2007.  Jesse and I couldn't believe how beautiful she was.  We look back now at these pictures that show a baby with a very pointed head, swollen eyes, and fat lips and wonder what we were looking at.  Looks more like a little girl that had been in the ring with Mike Tyson but beauty was all we saw.

Volunteers make these adorable hats for the babies.  She was nicknamed our Russian Princess.
Little did I know then that this would be the uneventful birth of my two :)

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