Our summer has flown by. In less than a month our baby will be SIX YEARS OLD and in kindergarten. Our big girl will be a second grader and almost eight years old. We have crammed a lot of fun into our "Summer of Challenges". I started noticing this spring that both girls were quick to give up on anything remotely challenging for them. So my theme for the summer was to find one challenge a week that would make them work hard and see that they are "stronger than they think they are." Now whenever one of them starts to complain the other pipes up right away with that phrase! We have been on several tough hikes this summer, a 3 mile run for Brooklynn and a tough ropes course. We are also working on Irelyn's independence. She really enjoys to watch me do most things for her and I have been willing to up to this point because, well she's my last kid. I've got the time and I like feeling needed :) Her preschool teacher kept reminding me though that I won't be there with her everyday at kindergarten so she needs to rely on herself.
Fourth of July weekend we took our annual trip to Coeur d'Alene, Idaho for a long weekend of fun and family time. Thursday was a crazy day of water park and roller coasters at Silverwood Theme Park. Brooklynn tried some of the big rides this year and loved them. I decided I'm too old to go on the spinning rides (yes, I'm noticing a pattern here with me feeling old). Friday we rented a boat and did some tubing and swimming in the lake. The girls loved flying across the water and kept telling Jesse "open it up Dad!"
It appears as though we are flying in the picture below but the speed wouldn't even register on the speedometer, so its fair to say we were traveling less than 5 mph.
Saturday was spent at Triple Play which now has go-carts, mini-golf, water slides, climbing wall, a ropes course and laser tag. I don't think we could have packed anymore FUN into that weekend!
Brooklynn was an old pro at the ropes course. It doesn't seem to occur to her that she could get hurt doing something until she actually gets hurt. That trait has definitely been an asset in her gymnastics.
The picture below was right before Irelyn and I went on the bumper boats and then....
a wet little Bugaboo after she giggled the whole time we were getting drenched.
Our former next door neighbors, now bestest friends, had a son that was getting married to an amazing girl. Well we were invited to the wedding (and I would have gone even if I hadn't been invited) so the girls and I made the trip to Helena for the beautiful ceremony and reception on Canyon Ferry Lake. We absolutely love Josh and Rachel and they seem to have taken a liking to our girls. It was a beautiful wedding that we will remember always!
Justin, the best man and groom's brother, gave one of the best toasts I have ever heard. It was to the point, extremely funny but also a touch of sweetness mixed in.
And then this happened....the groom and groomsmen performed a special, hilarious dance for the bride. I loved it!
The dollar dance had Brooklynn dancing with Josh
and Irelyn dancing with Rachel.
The girls then hit the dance floor with some of their own unique moves.
Brooklynn even broke out The Worm but unfortunately I didn't get a picture of that.
The girls are gone camping with Jesse this weekend which explains my huge amount of time to update the blog. Have a great month and take care!

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